Dog Licking Underwear: Is He Being Creepy?! the TRUTH Revealed

Published in Training & Behavior
Updated at December 12, 2021
1 min read
Dog Licking Underwear: Is He Being Creepy?! the TRUTH Revealed
✏️ This article has been reviewed in accordance with our editorial policy.

It may seem a little weird and creepy when your dog licks your worn underwear furiously after you inadvertently leave them within his reach. 

Don’t get creeped out, though. Your dog is just acting as a normal dog should.

Dogs don’t care about your sex. They like licking male and female worn underwear just the same - as long as it’s their owner’s or somebody else they like.

Generally, dogs lick underwear because used underwear has a strong concentrated smell absorbed from glands present around humans’ private areas. Due to dogs’ extraordinary smelling abilities, the strong underwear smell is irresistible to them.

The more time you wear your underwear, the more time your underwear has to soak all the strong smells coming from the pheromone-producing apocrine glands present around your private areas and armpits.

It’s quite common for dogs to lick and sometimes eat worn underwear, socks, or other sweaty items you wore all day. Dogs can pick up on the strong smell, and they simply love it. 

What You Can Do to Prevent It

The best thing you can do to prevent your dog from licking your underwear is merely to be aware of where you leave them.

The strong scent on your underwear may be more potent after sweating, peeing, having sex, or if you are menstruating or pregnant. Pay more attention during those times.

Try placing your worn underwear (and other clothes) inside a hamper with a lid.

Remember, your dog is just doing dog things.