Famous Dog Breeds

The TRUTH About Goofy's Confusing Identity: Is He a Dog or a Cow?
The TRUTH About Goofy's Confusing Identity: Is He a Dog or a Cow?
There has been some controversy around the web about what Goofy really is. Some claim he’s a dog…
Aviram K.
January 27, 2021
2 min
What Kind of Dog Is Doge?
What Kind of Dog Is Doge?
Doge, the famous meme dog, is a female Shiba Inu . Her name is Kabosu, and she’s from Japan. In…
Aviram K.
January 19, 2021
1 min
What Kind of Dog Is Scooby-Doo?
What Kind of Dog Is Scooby-Doo?
Scooby-Doo is a male Great Dane , although not a typical one. His creator, Iwao Takamoto, purposely…
Aviram K.
January 19, 2021
1 min
What Kind of Dogs Were Lady and Tramp?
What Kind of Dogs Were Lady and Tramp?
Lady Lady is an American Cocker Spaniel . Lady’s breed is often confused with a Cavalier King…
Aviram K.
January 19, 2021
1 min
What Kind of Dog Is Snoopy?
What Kind of Dog Is Snoopy?
Snoopy from the famous Peanuts comic strip is a beagle . Snoopy was actually not intended to be a…
Aviram K.
January 19, 2021
1 min