Dog Ownership & Care

Here you'll find guides about dog ownership and care.
Does Dog Poop Decompose?
Does Dog Poop Decompose?
Dog ownership is full of fun, from playing fetch with your furry friend to enjoying an evening…
Aviram K.
October 24, 2021
5 min
Your Boyfriend Is Jealous of Your Dog? Here's Why
Your Boyfriend Is Jealous of Your Dog? Here's Why
As you gaze into the eyes of your dog, all you feel is pure love, warmth, and joy. Their face…
Aviram K.
October 2, 2021
6 min
Get Dog Poop out of Shoes with These 5 Simple Methods
Get Dog Poop out of Shoes with These 5 Simple Methods
There are few things in this life as great a nuisance as getting dog poop off your shoe! That's…
Aviram K.
October 2, 2021
5 min
Why Do Dogs Push You Away When You Pet Them?
Why Do Dogs Push You Away When You Pet Them?
You’re having a lovely time rubbing your dog’s belly when all of a sudden, a paw shoots out and…
Aviram K.
October 2, 2021
3 min
Dog Hair: Does it Grow Back?
Dog Hair: Does it Grow Back?
It’s sweltering hot, and you look at your dog's long coat - a thought may come to mind. You quickly…
Aviram K.
September 21, 2021
4 min
Dog Boarding: All You Need to Know
Dog Boarding: All You Need to Know
Being a pet owner means that leaving on vacation without your pup can be a bit more complicated than…
Aviram K.
September 21, 2021
6 min
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